With some most generous help from Phil Rood, Friend of Nixon and Brother of Proxy Captain1 Eric, Team Resignation will sport a really sweet stenciled image for the October race that is loosely based on the Thrush Mufflers logo.
So after a quick test, Kiko and Eric sprayed it on the car. Observe:

Since this is the car's second running, Eric thought some stenciled writing might fit the bill, also. A word will probably be added under "RE-ELECT." Anyone have thoughts? "Dick?" "Nixon?" "Checkers?" There is probably not enough room for more than one word or so.

Additionally, Nixon's eyeless stare last year was not nearly disturbing enough for our purposes. But a permanent marker and two ping pong balls created a hairpin turn toward The Fear. Take heed, ye, for Nixon is come.

But it wasn't all livery work yesterday. Kiko and Eric also completed the exhaust system. The car still has no actual muffler and it may actually be a touch louder. Team member Dave showed up a bit later to help tie up some more of the wiring and add roll bar padding.
Kiko added some high-tech panache by installing the OBDII-reading computer in the passenger side footwell. It should be visible to the driver there and will give real-time feedback and confirmation of the instrument cluster gauges. Having run once without functioning gauges to a disastrous end, the Team's Old Fart decided that redundancy is a wiser characteristic than recklessness.
Having completed all of our mechanical tasks, we finally took Nixon for a spin down to the cul-de-sac.

Breathtaking, isn't it?
1 Our official captain remains Alan, intrepid and important automotive journalist. Alan was recently up for Eric's wedding and spent some time working on the Escort as well. What a captain.